Long before Medieval forerunners adopted alchemy for personal exploration in their mystery schools, alchemy was once thought of as a philosophical branch of self-awareness, according to much of the guidance I receive in my personal meditations.
Alchemy is less to do with turning metal into gold, as we have come to think of this ancient art and more to do with the spiritual practice of shining light unto the soul-self. We are light bodies. We come from light and we live on light. Were it not for the sun we would not exist. And the ancients knew this. So to adopt a spiritual practice of blessing the light was in essence a way to bless the soul-self.
Light begets light. Metal begets metal. Turning metal into gold is symbolic of turning the body into light.
Turning the body into light is simply a way of returning the body back to its original essence or light form. A way of saying, “Use these light codes and you too will be transformed!”
Think of the body as light, as gold, as the ancients did and the body begins to realign with its soul-self. The key isn’t in the sun or in the gold but in the essence of what the light embodies. Source. We might turn to this light when we are in need. My Quaker family often says, “I will hold you in the light.” Meaning: I will hold you in love. I will hold you in prayer. We can turn to the light for inspiration and divine purpose.
I regard the light as love. But more than being a peaceful and calming embodiment of the divine, I love the idea of being held in light as both transformational and informative, as meditative energy often brings about interesting healing vibrations and a renewed sense of purpose.
Gold, the manifestation of God’s light or sunlight, depending on what religious/spiritual preference you might have, was prophesied in every ancient culture as holding the spiritual equivalent of truth. Were it not for the ancients who worshipped their gold, we might not look at the artifacts they produced as anything but simple metal, but because gold was personified as something more important than Earth, gold became the standard bearer of truth.
In this morning's meditation, I was shown just how little we adhere to Earth. We dismiss Earth for the glory of what lies beyond us when what is in front of us, our soul-selves, exists to capture the energy of the spiritual soul. Earth is no longer used as a playground for spiritual exploration as many of our ancient cultures once esteemed her, but we can return to this idea of gold, an Earth treasure, and a language within the stars that will help steer us toward balance, equanimity, and a more heart-centered life.
Author Photo: Kiawah, SC
Use the energy of the light (the gold) in your meditation to recapture the essence you seek. We’re all seekers, and what we seek is either material or it is spiritual. Often it is both because we can’t live on this planet without seeking shelter or sustenance for our form, but should you desire a little less material and a little more spiritual, absorbing the golden light will help balance your body and help attain a synergy of purpose.
The body needs direction and we often listen and absorb various opinions from others about how to find what is best for ourselves. Going within and channeling the golden light will help raise the awareness of your soul-self, your truth, your star code, and your relationship to what you seek. It’s not hard to take care of ourselves, but we don’t like it. We want someone else to fix us. We want someone else to redeem us. We want someone else to pat us on the back for a job well done. But when we can begin to acquire self-love, self-awareness, and the glory of our unique selves, energies of need and want begin to dissipate.
We’re hungry for love and going to God helps. But if going to God doesn’t suit your vocabulary style, try adapting this idea of sitting in Pure Source Energy for ease of the mind/body/spirit.